Volume 29, Number 6

Fujiwara T.,  Pérez-Chavela E.
The positively curved three-body problem is a natural extension of the planar Newtonian three-body problem to the sphere $\mathbb{S}^2$. In this paper we study the extensions of the Euler and Lagrange relative equilibria ($RE$ for short) on the plane to the sphere.
The $RE$ on $\mathbb{S}^2$ are not isolated in general. They usually have one-dimensional continuation in the three-dimensional shape space. We show that there are two types of bifurcations. One is the bifurcations between Lagrange $RE$ and Euler $RE$. Another one is between the different types of the shapes of Lagrange $RE$. We prove that bifurcations between equilateral and isosceles Lagrange $RE$ exist for the case of equal masses, and that bifurcations between isosceles and scalene Lagrange $RE$ exist for the partial equal masses case.
Keywords: relative equilibria, Euler configurations, Lagrange configurations, cotangent potential
Citation: Fujiwara T.,  Pérez-Chavela E., Continuations and Bifurcations of Relative Equilibria for the Positively Curved Three-Body Problem, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2024, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 803-824
Llibre J.,  Valls  C.
The second-order differential equation $\ddot x + a x \dot x + b x^3=0$ with $a,b \in \mathbb{R}$ has been studied by several authors mainly due to its applications. Here, for the first time, we classify all its phase portraits according to its parameters $a$ and $b$. This classification is done in the Poincaré disc in order to control the orbits that escape or come from infinity. We prove that there are exactly six topologically different phase portraits in the Poincaré disc of the first-order differential system associated to the second-order differential equation. Additionally, we show that this system is always integrable, providing explicitly its first integrals.
Keywords: second-order differential equation, Poincaré compactification, global phase portraits
Citation: Llibre J.,  Valls  C., Phase Portraits of the Equation $\ddot x + a x \dot x + b x^3=0$, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2024, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 825-837
Kiselev O. M.
In the work we use integral formulas for calculating the monodromy data for the Painlevé-2 equation. The perturbation theory for the auxiliary linear system is constructed and formulas for the variation of the monodromy data are obtained. We also derive a formula for solving the linearized Painlevé-2 equation based on the Fourier-type integral of the squared solutions of the auxiliary linear system of equations.
Keywords: nonlinearity, integrability, Painlevé
Citation: Kiselev O. M., Integral Formulas for the Painlevé-2 Transcendent, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2024, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 838-852
Habibullin I. T.,  Khakimova A. R.
It is known that there is a duality between the Davey – Stewartson type coupled systems and a class of integrable two-dimensional Toda type lattices. More precisely, the coupled systems are generalized symmetries for the lattices and the lattices can be interpreted as dressing chains for the systems. In our recent study we have found a novel lattice which is apparently not related to the known ones by Miura type transformation. In this article we describe higher symmetries to this lattice and derive a new coupled system of DS type.
Keywords: 3D lattices, generalized symmetries, Darboux integrable reductions, Lax pairs, Davey – Stewartson type coupled system
Citation: Habibullin I. T.,  Khakimova A. R., Higher Symmetries of Lattices in 3D, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2024, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 853-865
Tsvetkova A. V.
This paper describes an approach to constructing the asymptotics of Gaussian beams, based on the theory of the canonical Maslov operator and the study of the dynamics and singularities of the corresponding Lagrangian manifolds in the phase space. As an example, we construct global asymptotics of Laguerre – Gauss beams, which are solutions of the Helmholtz equation in the paraxial approximation. Depending on the type of the beam and the emerging singularity on the Lagrangian manifold, asymptotics are expressed in terms of the Airy function or the Bessel function. One of the advantages of the described approach is that we can abandon the paraxial approximation and construct global asymptotics in terms of special functions also for solutions of the original Helmholtz equation, which is illustrated by an example.
Keywords: Lagrangian manifold, Gaussian beams, Laguerre – Gauss beams, global asymptotics, Airy function, Bessel function, singularities on the Lagrangian manifold
Citation: Tsvetkova A. V., Lagrangian Manifolds in the Theory of Wave Beams and Solutions of the Helmholtz Equation, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2024, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 866-885
Korotkov A. G.,  Zagrebin S. Y.,  Kadina E. Y.,  Osipov G. V.
In [1], a stable heteroclinic cycle was proposed as a mathematical image of switching activity. Due to the stability of the heteroclinic cycle, the sequential activity of the elements of such a network is not limited in time. In this paper, it is proposed to use an unstable heteroclinic cycle as a mathematical image of switching activity. We propose two dynamical systems based on the generalized Lotka – Volterra model of three excitable elements interacting through excitatory couplings. It is shown that in the space of coupling parameters there is a region such that, when coupling parameters in this region are chosen, the phase space of systems contains unstable heteroclinic cycles containing three or six saddles and heteroclinic trajectories connecting them. Depending on the initial conditions, the phase trajectory will sequentially visit the neighborhood of saddle equilibria (possibly more than once). The described behavior is proposed to be used to simulate time-limited switching activity in neural ensembles. Different transients are determined by different initial conditions. The passage of the phase point of the system near the saddle equilibria included in the heteroclinic cycle is proposed to be interpreted as activation of the corresponding element.
Keywords: neuron, excitable system, excitable coupling, heteroclinic cycles, sequential switching activity
Citation: Korotkov A. G.,  Zagrebin S. Y.,  Kadina E. Y.,  Osipov G. V., Switching Activity in an Ensemble of Excitable Neurons, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2024, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 886-900
Abramov S. S.,  Bolotov M. I.,  Smirnov L. A.
We consider the effect of an external periodic force on chimera states in the phase oscillator model proposed in [Phys. Rev. Lett, v. 101, 00319007 (2008)]. Using the Ott – Antonsen reduction, the dynamical equations for the global order parameter characterizing the degree of synchronization are constructed. The frequency locking by an external periodic force region is constructed. The possibility of stable chimeras synchronization and unstable chimeras stabilization is established. The instability development of the chimera states leads to the appearance of breather chimeras or complete synchronization.
Keywords: external force, synchronization, stabilization, chimera state, phase oscillator
Citation: Abramov S. S.,  Bolotov M. I.,  Smirnov L. A., Synchronization by an External Periodic Force in Ensembles of Globally Coupled Phase Oscillators, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2024, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 901-912
Tsiganov A. V.
We discuss some families of integrable and superintegrable systems in $n$-dimensional Euclidean space which are invariant under $m\geqslant n-2$ rotations. The invariant Hamiltonian $H=\sum p_i^2+V(q)$ is integrable with $n-2$ integrals of motion $M_\alpha $ and an additional integral of motion $G$, which are first- and fourth-order polynomials in momenta, respectively.
Keywords: superintegrable systems, rotations, symplectic reduction
Citation: Tsiganov A. V., Rotations and Integrability, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2024, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 913-930