M. Malkin
Gagarin Pr. 23, Nizhny Novgorod, 603950 Russia
Department of Mathematics and Mechanics, Nizhni Novgorod State University
Gonchenko S. V., Malkin M. I., Turaev D. V.
In Honor of the 90th Anniversary of Leonid Pavlovich Shilnikov (1934–2011)
2025, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 1-8
This issue of RCD is dedicated to the outstanding Russian mathematician Leonid Pavlovich
Shilnikov, a leading figure in the theory of dynamical systems, one of the founders of the
mathematical theory of dynamical chaos.
The impact of the Shilnikov work on nonlinear dynamics and its applications is indeed enormous.
We mention only a few of his groundbreaking scientific achievements: the theory of global
bifurcations of multidimensional dynamical systems, the discovery of spiral chaos, the theory of
Lorenz-like attractors, the mathematical theory of transition from synchronization to chaos, the
theory of homoclinic chaos, among many others.
Malkin M. I., Safonov K. A.
On Smoothness of Invariant Foliations Near a Homoclinic Bifurcation Creating Lorenz-Like Attractors
2025, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 26-44
This paper deals with the problem of smoothness of the stable invariant foliation
for a homoclinic bifurcation with a neutral saddle in symmetric systems of differential equations.
We give an improved sufficient condition for the existence of an invariant smooth foliation on a
cross-section transversal to the stable manifold of the saddle. It is shown that the smoothness
of the invariant foliation depends on the gap between the leading stable eigenvalue of the saddle
and other stable eigenvalues. We also obtain an equation to describe the one-dimensional factor
map, and we study the renormalization properties of this map. The improved information on
the smoothness of the foliation and the factor map allows one to extend Shilnikov’s results on
the birth of Lorenz attractors under the bifurcation considered.
Barabash N., Belykh I., Kazakov A. O., Malkin M. I., Nekorkin V. I., Turaev D. V.
In Honor of Sergey Gonchenko and Vladimir Belykh
2024, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 1-5
This special issue is dedicated to the anniversaries of two famous Russian mathematicians,
Sergey V.Gonchenko and Vladimir N.Belykh. Over the years, they have made a lasting impact in
the theory of dynamical systems and applications. In this issue we have collected a series of papers
by their friends and colleagues devoted to modern aspects and trends of the theory of dynamical
Li M., Malkin M. I.
Approximation of entropy on hyperbolic sets for one-dimensional maps and their multidimensional perturbations
2010, vol. 15, nos. 2-3, pp. 210-221
We consider piecewise monotone (not necessarily, strictly) piecewise $C^2$ maps on the interval with positive topological entropy. For such a map $f$ we prove that its topological entropy $h_{top}(f)$ can be approximated (with any required accuracy) by restriction on a compact strictly $f$-invariant hyperbolic set disjoint from some neighborhood of prescribed set consisting of periodic attractors, nonhyperbolic intervals and endpoints of monotonicity intervals. By using this result we are able to generalize main theorem from [1] on chaotic behavior of multidimensional perturbations of solutions for difference equations which depend on two variables at nonperturbed value of parameter.
Du B., Li M., Malkin M. I.
Topological horseshoes for Arneodo–Coullet–Tresser maps
2006, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 181-190
In this paper, we study the family of Arneodo–Coullet–Tresser maps $F(x,y,z)=(ax-b(y-z)$, $bx+a(y-z)$, $cx-dxk+e z)$ where $a$, $b$, $c$, $d$, $e$ are real parameters with $bd \ne 0$ and $k>1$ is an integer. We find regions of parameters near anti-integrable limits and near singularities for which there exist hyperbolic invariant sets such that the restriction of $F$ to these sets is conjugate to the full shift on two or three symbols.