Vladimir Nekorkin

Born: August 15, 1948 in Kuta, Ivano–Frankovsk region, Ukraine
1971: Master’s degree, Gorky State University, Russia
1981: Ph D, Gorky State University, Russia
1992: Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics, Saratov State University, Russia
2007 – present Head of Nonlinear Dynamics Department,
Institute of Applied Physics of RAS
1992 – present Full Professor, N.Novgorod State University
1986 – 1992 Assoc. Professor, N.Novgorod State University
1983 – 1985 Assoc. Professor, Gorky Politechnical Institute
1981 – 1983 Senior Scientist, Institute of Applied Mathematics and
Cybernetics, Gorky
1971 – 1981 Junior Scientist, Institute of Applied Mathematics and
Cybernetics, Gorky
1998 – 2000 Visiting Member of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Instituto Pluridisci-
2002 – present Scientific consultant of the section “Physics and Astronomy” of the Great Russian
2008 – present Member, Scientific Council of Institute of Applied Physics of Russian Academy of
Science (RAS).
2006 – present Member, Jury on defend a PHD thesis of Institute of Applied Physics of RAS
2004 – present Expert, Russian Foundation for Basic Research
2013 – present Expert, Russian Scientific Foundation
Emelianova A. A., Nekorkin V. I.
Synchronization and Chaos in Adaptive Kuramoto Networks with Higher-Order Interactions: A Review
2025, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 57-75
This paper provides an overview of the results obtained from the study of adaptive
dynamical networks of Kuramoto oscillators with higher-order interactions. The main focus
is on results in the field of synchronization and collective chaotic dynamics. Identifying the
dynamical mechanisms underlying the synchronization of oscillator ensembles with higher-order
interactions may contribute to further advances in understanding the work of some complex
systems such as the neural networks of the brain.
Barabash N., Belykh I., Kazakov A. O., Malkin M. I., Nekorkin V. I., Turaev D. V.
In Honor of Sergey Gonchenko and Vladimir Belykh
2024, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 1-5
This special issue is dedicated to the anniversaries of two famous Russian mathematicians,
Sergey V.Gonchenko and Vladimir N.Belykh. Over the years, they have made a lasting impact in
the theory of dynamical systems and applications. In this issue we have collected a series of papers
by their friends and colleagues devoted to modern aspects and trends of the theory of dynamical