Klim Safonov
Higher School of Economics
Malkin M. I., Safonov K. A.
On Smoothness of Invariant Foliations Near a Homoclinic Bifurcation Creating Lorenz-Like Attractors
2025, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 26-44
This paper deals with the problem of smoothness of the stable invariant foliation
for a homoclinic bifurcation with a neutral saddle in symmetric systems of differential equations.
We give an improved sufficient condition for the existence of an invariant smooth foliation on a
cross-section transversal to the stable manifold of the saddle. It is shown that the smoothness
of the invariant foliation depends on the gap between the leading stable eigenvalue of the saddle
and other stable eigenvalues. We also obtain an equation to describe the one-dimensional factor
map, and we study the renormalization properties of this map. The improved information on
the smoothness of the foliation and the factor map allows one to extend Shilnikov’s results on
the birth of Lorenz attractors under the bifurcation considered.
Gonchenko S. V., Safonov K. A., Zelentsov N. G.
Antisymmetric Diffeomorphisms and Bifurcations of a Double Conservative Hénon Map
2022, vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 647-667
We propose a new method for constructing multidimensional reversible maps by only two input data: a diffeomorphism $T_1$ and an involution $h$, i.e., a map (diffeomorphism) such that $h^2 = Id$. We construct the desired
reversible map $T$ in the form $T = T_1\circ T_2$, where $T_2 = h\circ T_1^{-1}\circ h$. We also discuss how this method can be used to construct normal forms of Poincaré maps near mutually symmetric pairs of orbits of homoclinic or heteroclinic tangencies in reversible maps. One of such normal forms, as we show, is a two-dimensional double conservative Hénon map
$H$ of the form $\bar x = M + cx - y^2; \ y = M + c\bar y - \bar x^2$.
We construct this map by the proposed method for the case when $T_1$ is the standard Hénon map and the involution $h$ is
$h: (x,y) \to (y,x)$.
For the map $H$,
we study bifurcations of fixed and period-2 points, among which there are both standard bifurcations (parabolic, period-doubling and pitchfork) and singular ones (during transition through $c=0$).