Valery Tarasov

ul. T. Baramzinoi 34, Izhevsk, 426067 Russia
Institute of Mechanics UB RAS


Borisov A. V., Karavaev Y. L., Mamaev I. S., Erdakova N. N., Ivanova T. B., Tarasov V. V.
In this paper we investigate the dynamics of a body with a flat base (cylinder) sliding on a horizontal rough plane. For analysis we use two approaches. In one of the approaches using a friction machine we determine the dependence of friction force on the velocity of motion of cylinders. In the other approach using a high-speed camera for video filming and the method of presentation of trajectories on a phase plane for analysis of results, we investigate the qualitative and quantitative behavior of the motion of cylinders on a horizontal plane. We compare the results obtained with theoretical and experimental results found earlier. In addition, we give a systematic review of the well-known experimental and theoretical results in this area.
Keywords: dry friction, linear pressure distribution, two-dimensional motion, planar motion, Coulomb law
Citation: Borisov A. V., Karavaev Y. L., Mamaev I. S., Erdakova N. N., Ivanova T. B., Tarasov V. V.,  Experimental Investigation of the Motion of a Body with an Axisymmetric Base Sliding on a Rough Plane, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2015, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 518-541

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