Vladimir Dragović

Full Research Professor of the Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Head of the Department of Mechanics
The founder and chairman of the Dynamical Systems group
The co-chairman of The Centre for Dynamical Systems, Geometry and Combinatorics of the Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Born: July 26, 1967
1987: B.Sc. in Mathematics, University of Belgrade
1988-1992: aspirant at Moscow State University,Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics,Department for Higher Geometry and Topology
1992: Dr. Sci. in Mathematics, University of Belgrade thesis:R-matrices and algebraic curves advisor: Boris Dubrovin, Moscow State University
1992-2000, 2004-2007: teacher in Mathematical High School, Belgrade
1993-1998: Department of Mathematics, University of Belgrade, courses: Differential Geometry,several graduate courses
1996-1999: Head of the Committee for mathematical competitions of high school students of Serbia
1996-1999: Department of Philosophy, University of Nis courses: Differential Geometry, Partial Differential Equations
2003-2008: Department of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Montenegro courses: Geometry, Analysis and Geometry on Reimann Surfaces, Integrable Dynamical Systems 1, Integrable Dynamical Systems 2
2004-2008: regualar associate member of ICTP Abdus Salam, Trieste, Italy
2004-2008: Director of the Mathematical High School, Belgrade
2008-2012 Researcher, the Mathematical Physics Group, University of Lisbon
Since 2012, Full Professor of Mathematics, University of Texas at Dallas
Since 1988, employed at Mathematical Institute SANU
Conducting of scientific work
Chairman of the Seminar Mathematical Methods of Mechanics, since its founding in 1993
Advisor for four M.Sc. theses and four Ph.D. theses at Department of Mathematics, University of Belgrade
2001-2007, 2010-: Member of the Committee for mathematics and mechanics of the Ministry for Sience of Serbia
2002-2005: Leader of Project 1643 of the Ministry for Sience of Serbia
since 2006: Leader of Project 144014 of the Ministry for Sience of Serbia
since 2005: Co-Leader of the Italian-Serbian project Geometry, topology and combinatorics of manyfolds and dynamical systems
1987: Award for the best graduated student of the Faculty for Sciences and Mathematics
2004: Award of the Union of mathematical societies of Serbia and Montenegro for achievements in mathematical sciences for at most 40 years old researchers
2010: City of Belgrade Annual Award for natural and technical sciences (jointly with Milena Radnovic)
Dragović V., Radnović M.
Billiards Within Ellipsoids in the 4-Dimensional Pseudo-Euclidean Spaces
2023, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 14-43
We study billiard systems within an ellipsoid in the 4-dimensional pseudo-Euclidean
spaces. We provide an analysis and description of periodic and weak periodic trajectories in
algebro-geometric and functional-polynomial terms.
Dragović V., Gajić B., Jovanović B.
Spherical and Planar Ball Bearings — a Study of Integrable Cases
2023, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 62-77
We consider the nonholonomic systems of $n$ homogeneous balls $\mathbf B_1,\dots,\mathbf B_n$ with the same radius $r$ that are rolling without slipping about a fixed sphere $\mathbf S_0$ with center $O$ and radius $R$.
In addition, it is assumed that a dynamically nonsymmetric sphere $\mathbf S$ with the center that coincides with the center $O$ of the fixed sphere $\mathbf S_0$ rolls without
slipping in contact with the moving balls $\mathbf B_1,\dots,\mathbf B_n$. The problem is considered in four different configurations, three of which are new.
We derive the equations of motion and find an invariant measure for these systems.
As the main result, for $n=1$ we find two cases that are integrable by quadratures according to the Euler – Jacobi theorem.
The obtained integrable nonholonomic models are natural extensions of the well-known Chaplygin ball integrable problems.
Further, we explicitly integrate
the planar problem consisting of $n$ homogeneous balls of the same radius, but with different
masses, which roll without slipping
over a fixed plane $\Sigma_0$ with a plane $\Sigma$ that moves without slipping over these balls.
Dragović V., Gajić B., Jovanović B.
Spherical and Planar Ball Bearings — Nonholonomic Systems with Invariant Measures
2022, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 424-442
We first construct nonholonomic systems of $n$ homogeneous balls $\mathbf B_1,\dots,\mathbf B_n$ with centers $O_1,\ldots,O_n$ and with the same radius $r$ that are rolling without slipping around a fixed sphere $\mathbf S_0$ with center $O$ and radius $R$. In addition, it is assumed that a dynamically nonsymmetric sphere $\mathbf S$ of radius $R+2r$ and the center that coincides with the center $O$ of the fixed sphere $\mathbf S_0$ rolls without slipping over the moving balls $\mathbf B_1,\dots,\mathbf B_n$.
We prove that these systems possess an invariant measure. As the second task, we consider the limit, when the radius $R$ tends to infinity. We obtain a corresponding planar problem consisting of $n$ homogeneous balls $\mathbf B_1,\dots,\mathbf B_n$ with centers $O_1,\ldots,O_n$ and the same radius $r$ that are rolling without slipping
over a fixed plane $\Sigma_0$, and a moving plane $\Sigma$ that moves without slipping over the homogeneous balls. We prove that this system possesses an invariant measure and that it is integrable in quadratures according to the Euler – Jacobi theorem.
Dragović V., Gasiorek S., Radnović M.
Billiard Ordered Games and Books
2022, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 132-150
The aim of this work is to put together two novel concepts from the theory of integrable billiards: billiard ordered games and confocal billiard books. Billiard books appeared recently in the work of Fomenko’s school, in particular, of V.Vedyushkina. These more complex billiard domains are obtained by gluing planar sets bounded by arcs of confocal conics along common edges. Such domains are used in this paper to construct the configuration space for billiard ordered games.We analyse dynamical and topological properties of the systems obtained in that way.
Adabrah A. K., Dragović V., Radnović M.
Periodic Billiards Within Conics in the Minkowski Plane and Akhiezer Polynomials
2019, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 464-501
We derive necessary and sufficient conditions for periodic and for elliptic periodic
trajectories of billiards within an ellipse in the Minkowski plane in terms of an underlining
elliptic curve. We provide several examples of periodic and elliptic periodic trajectories with
small periods. We observe a relationship between Cayley-type conditions and discriminantly
separable and factorizable polynomials. Equivalent conditions for periodicity and elliptic
periodicity are derived in terms of polynomial-functional equations as well. The corresponding
polynomials are related to the classical extremal polynomials. In particular, the light-like
periodic trajectories are related to the classical Chebyshev polynomials. Similarities and
differences with respect to the previously studied Euclidean case are highlighted.
Dragović V., Radnović M.
Caustics of Poncelet Polygons and Classical Extremal Polynomials
2019, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 1-35
A comprehensive analysis of periodic trajectories of billiards within ellipses in the Euclidean
plane is presented. The novelty of the approach is based on a relationship recently established
by the authors between periodic billiard trajectories and extremal polynomials on the systems
of $d$ intervals on the real line and ellipsoidal billiards in $d$-dimensional space.
Even in the planar case systematically studied in the present paper, it leads to new results
in characterizing $n$ periodic trajectories vs. so-called $n$ elliptic periodic trajectories,
which are $n$-periodic in elliptical coordinates. The characterizations are done both in terms
of the underlying elliptic curve and divisors on it and in terms of polynomial functional
equations, like Pell's equation. This new approach also sheds light on some classical results.
In particular, we connect the search for caustics which generate periodic trajectories with
three classical classes of extremal polynomials on two intervals, introduced by Zolotarev and Akhiezer.
The main classifying tool are winding numbers, for which we provide several interpretations, including
one in terms of numbers of points of alternance of extremal polynomials. The latter implies
important inequality between the winding numbers, which, as a consequence, provides another
proof of monotonicity of rotation numbers. A complete catalog of billiard trajectories with
small periods is provided for $n=3, 4, 5, 6$ along with an effective search for caustics.
As a byproduct, an intriguing connection between Cayley-type conditions and discriminantly
separable polynomials has been observed for all those small periods.
Dragović V., Gajić B., Jovanović B.
Note on Free Symmetric Rigid Body Motion
2015, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 293-308
We consider the Euler equations of motion of a free symmetric rigid body around a fixed point, restricted to the invariant subspace given by the zero values of the corresponding linear Noether integrals. In the case of the $SO(n − 2)$-symmetry, we show that almost all trajectories are periodic and that the motion can be expressed in terms of elliptic functions. In the case of the $SO(n − 3)$-symmetry, we prove the solvability of the problem by using a recent Kozlov’s result on the Euler–Jacobi–Lie theorem.
Dragović V., Gajić B.
Four-Dimensional Generalization of the Grioli Precession
2014, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 656-662
A particular solution of the four-dimensional Lagrange top on $e(4)$ representing a four-dimensional regular precession is constructed. Using it, a four-dimensional analogue of the Grioli nonvertical regular precession of an asymmetric heavy rigid body is constructed.
Dragović V., Kukić K.
Systems of Kowalevski Type and Discriminantly Separable Polynomials
2014, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 162-184
Starting from the notion of discriminantly separable polynomials of degree two in each of three variables, we construct a class of integrable dynamical systems. These systems can be integrated explicitly in genus two theta-functions in a procedure which is similar to the classical one for the Kowalevski top. The discriminantly separable polynomials play the role of the Kowalevski fundamental equation. Natural examples include the Sokolov systems and the Jurdjevic elasticae.
Dragović V., Gajić B.
On the Cases of Kirchhoff and Chaplygin of the Kirchhoff Equations
2012, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 431-438
It is proven that the completely integrable general Kirchhoff case of the Kirchhoff equations for $B \ne 0$ is not an algebraic complete integrable system. Similar analytic behavior of the general solution of the Chaplygin case is detected. Four-dimensional analogues of the Kirchhoff and the Chaplygin cases are defined on $e(4)$ with the standard Lie–Poisson bracket.
Dragović V., Kukić K.
New Examples of Systems of the Kowalevski Type
2011, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 484-495
A new examples of integrable dynamical systems are constructed. An integration procedure leading to genus two theta-functions is presented. It is based on a recent notion of discriminantly separable polynomials. They have appeared in a recent reconsideration of the celebrated Kowalevski top, and their role here is analogue to the situation with the classical Kowalevski integration procedure.
Dragović V., Gajić B.
Elliptic curves and a new construction of integrable systems
2009, vol. 14, nos. 4-5, pp. 466-478
A class of elliptic curves with associated Lax matrices is considered. A family of dynamical systems on $e(3)$ parametrized by polynomial a with the above Lax matrices are constructed. Five cases from the family are selected by the condition of preserving the standard measure. Three of them are Hamiltonian. It is proved that two other cases are not Hamiltonian in the standard Poisson structure on $e(3)$. Integrability of all five cases is proven. Integration procedures are performed in all five cases. Separation of variables in Sklyanin sense is also given. A connection with Hess-Appel’rot system is established. A sort of separation of variables is suggested for the Hess-Appel’rot system.
Dragović V., Radnović M.
Bifurcations of Liouville tori in elliptical billiards
2009, vol. 14, nos. 4-5, pp. 479-494
A detailed description of topology of integrable billiard systems is given. For elliptical billiards and geodesic billiards on ellipsoid, the corresponding Fomenko graphs are constructed.
Dragović V., Gajić B.
Hirota–Kimura Type Discretization of the Classical Nonholonomic Suslov Problem
2008, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 250-256
We constructed Hirota–Kimura type discretization of the classical nonholonomic Suslov problem of motion of rigid body fixed at a point. We found a first integral proving integrability. Also, we have shown that discrete trajectories asymptotically tend to a line of discrete analogies of so-called steady-state rotations. The last property completely corresponds to well-known property of the continuous Suslov case. The explicite formulae for solutions are given. In $n$-dimensional case we give discrete equations.
Dragović V., Gajić B.
The Wagner Curvature Tenzor in Nonholonomic Mechanics
2003, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 105-123
We present the classical Wagner construction from 1935 of the curvature tensor for the completely nonholonomic manifolds in both invariant and coordinate way. The starting point is the Shouten curvature tensor for the nonholonomic connection introduced by Vranceanu and Shouten. We illustrate the construction by two mechanical examples: the case of a homogeneous disc rolling without sliding on a horizontal plane and the case of a homogeneous ball rolling without sliding on a fixed sphere. In the second case we study the conditions imposed on the ratio of diameters of the ball and the sphere to obtain a flat space — with the Wagner curvature tensor equal to zero.