Experimental Investigations of the Controlled Motion of a Screwless Underwater Robot

    2016, Volume 21, Numbers 7-8, pp.  918-926

    Author(s): Karavaev Y. L., Kilin A. A., Klekovkin A. V.

    In this paper we describe the results of experimental investigations of the motion of a screwless underwater robot controlled by rotating internal rotors. We present the results of comparison of the trajectories obtained with the results of numerical simulation using the model of an ideal fluid.
    Keywords: screwless underwater robot, experimental investigations, helical body
    Citation: Karavaev Y. L., Kilin A. A., Klekovkin A. V., Experimental Investigations of the Controlled Motion of a Screwless Underwater Robot, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2016, Volume 21, Numbers 7-8, pp. 918-926

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