Vladislav Medvedev


Medvedev V. S., Zhuzhoma E. V.
We prove that an $n$-sphere $\mathbb{S}^n$, $n\geqslant 2$, admits structurally stable diffeomorphisms $\mathbb{S}^n\to\mathbb{S}^n$ with nonorientable expanding attractors of any topological dimension $d\in\{1,\ldots,[\frac{n}{2}]\}$ where $[x]$ is the integer part of $x$. In addition, any $n$-sphere $\mathbb{S}^n$, $n\geqslant 3$, admits axiom A diffeomorphisms $\mathbb{S}^n\to\mathbb{S}^n$ with orientable expanding attractors of any topological dimension $d\in\{1,\ldots,[\frac{n}{3}]\}$. We prove that an $n$-torus $\mathbb{T}^n$, $n\geqslant 2$, admits structurally stable diffeomorphisms $\mathbb{T}^n\to\mathbb{T}^n$ with orientable expanding attractors of any topological dimension $d\in\{1,\ldots,n-1\}$. We also prove that, given any closed $n$-manifold $M^n$, $n\geqslant 2$, and any $d\in\{1,\ldots,[\frac{n}{2}]\}$, there is an axiom A diffeomorphism $f: M^n\to M^n$ with a $d$-dimensional nonorientable expanding attractor. Similar statements hold for axiom A flows.
Keywords: axiom A systems, basic set, expanding attractor
Citation: Medvedev V. S., Zhuzhoma E. V.,  On the Existence of Expanding Attractors with Different Dimensions, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2025, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 93-102
Grines V. Z., Medvedev V. S., Zhuzhoma E. V.
Let $\mathbb{G}_k^{cod 1}(M^n)$, $k\geqslant 1$, be the set of axiom A diffeomorphisms such that the nonwandering set of any $f\in\mathbb{G}_k^{cod 1}(M^n)$ consists of $k$ orientable connected codimension one expanding attractors and contracting repellers where $M^n$ is a closed orientable $n$-manifold, $n\geqslant 3$. We classify the diffeomorphisms from $\mathbb{G}_k^{cod 1}(M^n)$ up to the global conjugacy on nonwandering sets. In addition, we show that any $f\in\mathbb{G}_k^{cod 1}(M^n)$ is $\Omega$-stable and is not structurally stable. One describes the topological structure of a supporting manifold $M^n$.
Keywords: axiom A diffeomorphism, expanding attractor, contracting repeller
Citation: Grines V. Z., Medvedev V. S., Zhuzhoma E. V.,  Classification of Axiom A Diffeomorphisms with Orientable Codimension One Expanding Attractors and Contracting Repellers, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2024, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 143-155

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