Lyudmila Efremova

Nizhny Novgorod, 603950, Gagarin ave, 23
Nizhny Novgorod State University


Efremova L. S.
We prove here the criterion of $C^1$- $\Omega$-stability of self-maps of a 3D-torus, which are skew products of circle maps. The $C^1$- $\Omega$-stability property is studied with respect to homeomorphisms of skew products type. We give here an example of the $\Omega$-stable map on a 3D-torus and investigate approximating properties of maps under consideration.
Keywords: skew product of circle maps, quotient map, fiber maps, $C^1$-stability of a family of fiber maps as a whole, $C^1$- $\Omega$-stable skew product
Citation: Efremova L. S.,  $C^1$-Smooth $\Omega$-Stable Skew Products and Completely Geometrically Integrable Self-Maps of 3D-Tori, I: $\Omega$-Stability, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2024, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 491-514

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