Comlan Koudjinan


Koudjinan C. E., Kaloshin V.
On Some Invariants of Birkhoff Billiards Under Conjugacy
2022, vol. 27, no. 5, pp.  525-537
In the class of strictly convex smooth boundaries each of which has no strip around its boundary foliated by invariant curves, we prove that the Taylor coefficients of the ``normalized'' Mather's $\beta$-function are invariant under $C^\infty$-conjugacies. In contrast, we prove that any two elliptic billiard maps are $C^0$-conjugate near their respective boundaries, and $C^\infty$-conjugate, near the boundary and away from a line passing through the center of the underlying ellipse. We also prove that, if the billiard maps corresponding to two ellipses are topologically conjugate, then the two ellipses are similar.
Keywords: Birkhoff billiard, integrability, conjugacy, Mather’s $\beta$-function, Marvizi – Melrose invariants
Citation: Koudjinan C. E., Kaloshin V.,  On Some Invariants of Birkhoff Billiards Under Conjugacy, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2022, vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 525-537
Chierchia L., Koudjinan C. E.
This paper continues the discussion started in [10] concerning Arnold's legacy on classical KAM theory and (some of) its modern developments. We prove a detailed and explicit ''global'' Arnold's KAM theorem, which yields, in particular, the Whitney conjugacy of a non-degenerate, real-analytic, nearly-integrable Hamiltonian system to an integrable system on a closed, nowhere dense, positive measure subset of the phase space. Detailed measure estimates on the Kolmogorov set are provided in case the phase space is: (A) a uniform neighbourhood of an arbitrary (bounded) set times the $d$-torus and (B) a domain with $C^2$ boundary times the $d$-torus. All constants are explicitly given.
Keywords: nearly-integrable Hamiltonian systems, perturbation theory, KAM theory, Arnold’s scheme, Kolmogorov set, primary invariant tori, Lagrangian tori, measure estimates, small divisors, integrability on nowhere dense sets, Diophantine frequencies
Citation: Chierchia L., Koudjinan C. E.,  V. I. Arnold’s ''Global'' KAM Theorem and Geometric Measure Estimates, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2021, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 61-88

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