Daria Klyushina


Rybalova E. V., Klyushina D. Y., Anishchenko V. S., Strelkova G. I.
This paper presents results of numerical statistical analysis of the effect of shortterm localized noise of different intensity on the amplitude chimera lifetime in an ensemble of nonlocally coupled logistic maps in a chaotic regime. It is shown that a single and rather weak noise perturbation added only to the incoherence cluster of the amplitude chimera after its switching to the phase chimera mode is able to revive and stabilize the amplitude chimera, as well as to increase its lifetime to infinity. It is also analyzed how the amplitude chimera lifetime depends on the duration of noise influence of different intensity.
Keywords: ensemble, nonlocal coupling, amplitude and phase chimeras, logistic map, noise
Citation: Rybalova E. V., Klyushina D. Y., Anishchenko V. S., Strelkova G. I.,  Impact of Noise on the Amplitude Chimera Lifetime in an Ensemble of Nonlocally Coupled Chaotic Maps, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2019, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 432-445

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