Urs Frauenfelder


Frauenfelder U.
V-Shaped Action Functional with Delay
2023, vol. 28, nos. 4-5, pp.  364-373
In this note we introduce the V-shaped action functional with delay in a symplectization, which is an intermediate action functional between the Rabinowitz action functional and the V-shaped action functional. It lives on the same space as the V-shaped action functional, but its gradient flow equation is a delay equation as in the case of the Rabinowitz action functional. We show that there is a smooth interpolation between the V-shaped action functional and the V-shaped action functional with delay during which the critical points and its actions are fixed. Moreover, we prove that there is a bijection between gradient flow lines of the V-shaped action functional with delay and the ones of the Rabinowitz action functional.
Keywords: Symplectic homology, Rabinowitz – Floer homology, delay equation
Citation: Frauenfelder U.,  V-Shaped Action Functional with Delay, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2023, vol. 28, nos. 4-5, pp. 364-373
Cieliebak K., Frauenfelder U., van Koert O.
We apply Arnold’s theory of generic smooth plane curves to Stark – Zeeman systems. This is a class of Hamiltonian dynamical systems that describes the dynamics of an electron in an external electric and magnetic field, and includes many systems from celestial mechanics. Based on Arnold’s $J^+$-invariant, we introduce invariants of periodic orbits in planar Stark – Zeeman systems and study their behavior.
Keywords: generic immersions into the plane, Arnold’s plane curve invariants, restricted threebody problem
Citation: Cieliebak K., Frauenfelder U., van Koert O.,  Periodic Orbits in the Restricted Three-body Problem and Arnold’s $J^+$ -invariant, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2017, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 408-434

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