Synchronization and Chaos in Adaptive Kuramoto Networks with Higher-Order Interactions: A Review

    2025, Volume 30, Number 1, pp.  57-75

    Author(s): Emelianova A. A., Nekorkin V. I.

    This paper provides an overview of the results obtained from the study of adaptive dynamical networks of Kuramoto oscillators with higher-order interactions. The main focus is on results in the field of synchronization and collective chaotic dynamics. Identifying the dynamical mechanisms underlying the synchronization of oscillator ensembles with higher-order interactions may contribute to further advances in understanding the work of some complex systems such as the neural networks of the brain.
    Keywords: Kuramoto model, adaptive couplings, higher-order interactions, synchronization, chaos, mixed dynamics
    Citation: Emelianova A. A., Nekorkin V. I., Synchronization and Chaos in Adaptive Kuramoto Networks with Higher-Order Interactions: A Review, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2025, Volume 30, Number 1, pp. 57-75

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