Integral Formulas for the Painlevé-2 Transcendent

    2024, Volume 29, Number 6, pp.  838-852

    Author(s): Kiselev O. M.

    In the work we use integral formulas for calculating the monodromy data for the Painlevé-2 equation. The perturbation theory for the auxiliary linear system is constructed and formulas for the variation of the monodromy data are obtained. We also derive a formula for solving the linearized Painlevé-2 equation based on the Fourier-type integral of the squared solutions of the auxiliary linear system of equations.
    Keywords: nonlinearity, integrability, Painlevé
    Citation: Kiselev O. M., Integral Formulas for the Painlevé-2 Transcendent, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2024, Volume 29, Number 6, pp. 838-852

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