Integrable Systems on a Sphere, an Ellipsoid and a Hyperboloid

    2023, Volume 28, Number 6, pp.  805-821

    Author(s): Tsiganov A. V.

    Affine transformations in Euclidean space generate a correspondence between integrable systems on cotangent bundles to a sphere, ellipsoid and hyperboloid embedded in $R^n$. Using this correspondence and the suitable coupling constant transformations, we can get real integrals of motion in the hyperboloid case starting with real integrals of motion in the sphere case. We discuss a few such integrable systems with invariants which are cubic, quartic and sextic polynomials in momenta.
    Keywords: completely integrable systems, Dirac brackets
    Citation: Tsiganov A. V., Integrable Systems on a Sphere, an Ellipsoid and a Hyperboloid, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2023, Volume 28, Number 6, pp. 805-821

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