Elliptic Fixed Points with an Invariant Foliation: Some Facts and More Questions

    2022, Volume 27, Number 1, pp.  43-64

    Author(s): Chenciner A., Sauzin D., Sun S., Wei Q.

    We address the following question: let $F:(\mathbb {R}^2,0)\to(\mathbb {R}^2,0)$ be an analytic local diffeomorphism defined in the neighborhood of the nonresonant elliptic fixed point 0 and let $\Phi$ be a formal conjugacy to a normal form $N$. Supposing $F$ leaves invariant the foliation by circles centered at $0$, what is the analytic nature of $\Phi$ and $N$?
    Keywords: normal form, Arnold family, weakly attracting fixed point
    Citation: Chenciner A., Sauzin D., Sun S., Wei Q., Elliptic Fixed Points with an Invariant Foliation: Some Facts and More Questions, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2022, Volume 27, Number 1, pp. 43-64

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