Dynamics of a Circular Cylinder and Two Point Vortices in a Perfect Fluid

    2021, Volume 26, Number 6, pp.  675-691

    Author(s): Ramodanov S. M., Sokolov S. V.

    We study a mechanical system that consists of a 2D rigid body interacting dynamically with two point vortices in an unbounded volume of an incompressible, otherwise vortex-free, perfect fluid. The system has four degrees of freedom. The governing equations can be written in Hamiltonian form, are invariant under the action of the group $E$(2) and thus, in addition to the Hamiltonian function, admit three integrals of motion. Under certain restrictions imposed on the system’s parameters these integrals are in involution, thus rendering the system integrable (its order can be reduced by three degrees of freedom) and allowing for an analytical analysis of the dynamics.
    Keywords: point vortices, Hamiltonian systems, reduction
    Citation: Ramodanov S. M., Sokolov S. V., Dynamics of a Circular Cylinder and Two Point Vortices in a Perfect Fluid, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2021, Volume 26, Number 6, pp. 675-691

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