Qualitative Analysis of the Dynamics of a Balanced Circular Foil and a Vortex

    2021, Volume 26, Number 6, pp.  658-674

    Author(s): Bizyaev I. A., Mamaev I. S.

    This paper investigates the dynamics of a point vortex and a balanced circular foil in an ideal fluid. An explicit reduction to quadratures is performed. A bifurcation diagram is constructed and a classification of the types of integral manifolds is carried out. The stability of critical solutions is studied in which the foil and the vortex move in a circle or in a straight line.
    Keywords: point vortex, ideal fluid, bifurcation diagram, stability, relative equilibria
    Citation: Bizyaev I. A., Mamaev I. S., Qualitative Analysis of the Dynamics of a Balanced Circular Foil and a Vortex, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2021, Volume 26, Number 6, pp. 658-674

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