Finding the Complement of the Invariant Manifolds Transverse to a Given Foliation for a 3D Flow

    2018, Volume 23, Number 6, pp.  797-802

    Author(s): MacKay R. S.

    A method is presented to establish regions of phase space for 3D vector fields through which pass no co-oriented invariant 2D submanifolds transverse to a given oriented 1D foliation. Refinements are given for the cases of volume-preserving or Cartan–Arnol’d Hamiltonian flows and for boundaryless submanifolds.
    Keywords: converse KAM theory, conefields, volume-preserving, Hamiltonian
    Citation: MacKay R. S., Finding the Complement of the Invariant Manifolds Transverse to a Given Foliation for a 3D Flow, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2018, Volume 23, Number 6, pp. 797-802

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