On a Convex Embedding of the Euler Problem of Two Fixed Centers

    2018, Volume 23, Number 3, pp.  304-324

    Author(s): Kim S.

    In this article, we study a convex embedding for the Euler problem of two fixed centers for energies below the critical energy level. We prove that the doubly-covered elliptic coordinates provide a 2-to-1 symplectic embedding such that the image of the bounded component near the lighter primary of the regularized Euler problem is convex for any energy below the critical Jacobi energy. This holds true if the two primaries have equal mass, but does not hold near the heavier body.
    Keywords: convex embedding, global surface of section, Euler problem of two fixed centers
    Citation: Kim S., On a Convex Embedding of the Euler Problem of Two Fixed Centers, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2018, Volume 23, Number 3, pp. 304-324

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