On the Constructive Algorithm for Stability Analysis of an Equilibrium Point of a Periodic Hamiltonian System with Two Degrees of Freedom in the Second-order Resonance Case

    2017, Volume 22, Number 7, pp.  808-823

    Author(s): Bardin B. S., Chekina E. A.

    This paper is concerned with a nonautonomous Hamiltonian system with two degrees of freedom whose Hamiltonian is a $2\pi$-periodic function of time and analytic in a neighborhood of an equilibrium point. It is assumed that the system exhibits a secondorder resonance, i. e., the system linearized in a neighborhood of the equilibrium point has a double multiplier equal to $−1$. The case of general position is considered when the monodromy matrix is not reduced to diagonal form and the equilibrium point is linearly unstable. In this case, a nonlinear analysis is required to draw conclusions on the stability (or instability) of the equilibrium point in the complete system.
    In this paper, a constructive algorithm for a rigorous stability analysis of the equilibrium point of the above-mentioned system is presented. This algorithm has been developed on the basis of a method proposed in [1]. The main idea of this method is to construct and normalize a symplectic map generated by the phase flow of a Hamiltonian system.
    It is shown that the normal form of the Hamiltonian function and the generating function of the corresponding symplectic map contain no third-degree terms. Explicit formulae are obtained which allow one to calculate the coefficients of the normal form of the Hamiltonian in terms of the coefficients of the generating function of a symplectic map.
    The developed algorithm is applied to solve the problem of stability of resonant rotations of a symmetric satellite.
    Keywords: Hamiltonian system, stability, symplectic map, normal form, resonant rotation, satellite
    Citation: Bardin B. S., Chekina E. A., On the Constructive Algorithm for Stability Analysis of an Equilibrium Point of a Periodic Hamiltonian System with Two Degrees of Freedom in the Second-order Resonance Case, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2017, Volume 22, Number 7, pp. 808-823

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