Bäcklund Transformations for the Nonholonomic Veselova System

    2017, Volume 22, Number 2, pp.  163-179

    Author(s): Tsiganov A. V.

    We present auto and hetero Bäcklund transformations of the nonholonomic Veselova system using standard divisor arithmetic on the hyperelliptic curve of genus two. As a by-product one gets two natural integrable systems on the cotangent bundle to the unit two-dimensional sphere whose additional integrals of motion are polynomials in the momenta of fourth order.
    Keywords: nonholonomic dynamical system, bi-Hamiltonian geometry, Bäcklund transformations
    Citation: Tsiganov A. V., Bäcklund Transformations for the Nonholonomic Veselova System, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2017, Volume 22, Number 2, pp. 163-179

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