Influence of Vortex Structures on the Controlled Motion of an Above-water Screwless Robot

    2016, Volume 21, Numbers 7-8, pp.  927-938

    Author(s): Klenov A. I., Kilin A. A.

    This paper is devoted to an experimental investigation of the motion of a rigid body set in motion by rotating two unbalanced internal masses. The results of experiments confirming the possibility of motion by this method are presented. The dependence of the parameters of motion on the rotational velocity of internal masses is analyzed. The velocity field of the fluid around the moving body is examined.
    Keywords: self-propulsion, PIV, vortex formation, above-water screwless robot
    Citation: Klenov A. I., Kilin A. A., Influence of Vortex Structures on the Controlled Motion of an Above-water Screwless Robot, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2016, Volume 21, Numbers 7-8, pp. 927-938

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