General KAM Theorems and their Applications to Invariant Tori with Prescribed Frequencies

    2016, Volume 21, Number 1, pp.  107-125

    Author(s): Xu J., Lu X.

    In this paper we develop a new KAM technique to prove two general KAM theorems for nearly integrable Hamiltonian systems without assuming any nondegeneracy condition. Many of KAM-type results (including the classical KAM theorem) are special cases of our theorems under some nondegeneracy condition and some smoothness condition. Moreover, we can obtain some interesting results about KAM tori with prescribed frequencies.
    Keywords: Hamiltonian system, KAM iteration, invariant tori, nondegeneracy condition
    Citation: Xu J., Lu X., General KAM Theorems and their Applications to Invariant Tori with Prescribed Frequencies, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2016, Volume 21, Number 1, pp. 107-125

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