On Phenomenon of Scattering on Resonances Associated with Discretisation of Systems with Fast Rotating Phase

    2012, Volume 17, Numbers 3-4, pp.  359-366

    Author(s): Neishtadt A. I., Su T.

    Numerical integration of ODEs by standard numerical methods reduces continuous time problems to discrete time problems. Discrete time problems have intrinsic properties that are absent in continuous time problems. As a result, numerical solution of an ODE may demonstrate dynamical phenomena that are absent in the original ODE. We show that numerical integration of systems with one fast rotating phase leads to a situation of such kind: numerical solution demonstrates phenomenon of scattering on resonances that is absent in the original system.
    Keywords: systems with rotating phases, passage through a resonance, numerical integration, discretisation
    Citation: Neishtadt A. I., Su T., On Phenomenon of Scattering on Resonances Associated with Discretisation of Systems with Fast Rotating Phase, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2012, Volume 17, Numbers 3-4, pp. 359-366

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