Universal dynamics in a neighborhood of a generic elliptic periodic point

    2010, Volume 15, Numbers 2-3, pp.  159-164

    Author(s): Gelfreich V. G., Turaev D. V.

    We show that a generic area-preserving two-dimensional map with an elliptic periodic point is $C^\omega$-universal, i.e., its renormalized iterates are dense in the set of all real-analytic symplectic maps of a two-dimensional disk. The results naturally extend onto Hamiltonian and volume-preserving flows.
    Keywords: homoclinic tangency, wild hyperbolic set, Newhouse phenomenon, Hamiltonian system, area-preserving map, volume-preserving flow, exponentially small splitting, KAM theory
    Citation: Gelfreich V. G., Turaev D. V., Universal dynamics in a neighborhood of a generic elliptic periodic point, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2010, Volume 15, Numbers 2-3, pp. 159-164

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