Further classification of 2D integrable mechanical systems with quadratic invariants

    2009, Volume 14, Numbers 4-5, pp.  571-579

    Author(s): Yehia H. M.

    Four new integrable classes of mechanical systems on Riemannian 2D manifolds admitting a complementary quadratic invariant are introduced. Those systems have quite rich structure. They involve 11–12 arbitrary parameters that determine the metric of the configuration space and forces with scalar and vector potentials. Interpretations of special versions of them are pointed out as problems of motions of rigid body in a liquid or under action of potential and gyroscopic forces and as motions of a particle on the plane, sphere, ellipsoid, pseudo-sphere and other surfaces.
    Keywords: integrable Lagrangian systems, quadratic invariants, time-irreversible systems
    Citation: Yehia H. M., Further classification of 2D integrable mechanical systems with quadratic invariants, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2009, Volume 14, Numbers 4-5, pp. 571-579

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