Size Distribution of Convective Thermals in an Unstable Stratified Turbulent Surface Layer

    2009, Volume 14, Number 3, pp.  420-428

    Author(s): Vul’fson A. N., Borodin O. O.

    An ensemble of convective thermals is considered in the surface layer of penetrative turbulent convection over a homogeneous heated horizontal surface. An integral model of an unsteady spontaneous jet having an exact self-similar solution is proposed to describe the dynamics of an isolated convective element. A statistical model for an ensemble of convective elements using a hydrodynamic analogy of the isolated spontaneous jet equations is suggested. It is supposed that motion of the elements of an ensemble corresponds to a statistic invariant that combines the squared velocity and the diameter of the jet. Using the combination of the statistic invariant of an ensemble and the Boltzmann distributions on squares of velocities, the size distribution of spontaneous jets in a convective surface layer of the atmosphere is constructed, which agrees with available experimental data.
    Keywords: convective thermals, unsteady spontaneous jets, gamma-distribution
    Citation: Vul’fson A. N., Borodin O. O., Size Distribution of Convective Thermals in an Unstable Stratified Turbulent Surface Layer, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2009, Volume 14, Number 3, pp. 420-428

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