Equilibrium points of classical integrable particle systems, factorization of wave functions of their quantum analogs and polynomial solutions of the Hill equation

    2008, Volume 13, Number 6, pp.  588-592

    Author(s): Inozemtsev V. I.

    The relation between the characteristics of the equilibrium configurations of the classical Calogero–Moser integrable systems and properties of the ground state of their quantum analogs is found. It is shown that under the condition of factorization of the wave function of these systems the coordinates of classical particles at equilibrium are zeroes of the polynomial solutions of the second-order linear differential equation. It turns out that, under these conditions, the dependence of classical and quantum minimal energies on the parameters of the interaction potential is the same.
    Keywords: Calogero–Moser systems, equilibrium points, Hill equation
    Citation: Inozemtsev V. I., Equilibrium points of classical integrable particle systems, factorization of wave functions of their quantum analogs and polynomial solutions of the Hill equation, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2008, Volume 13, Number 6, pp. 588-592

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