Hirota–Kimura Type Discretization of the Classical Nonholonomic Suslov Problem

    2008, Volume 13, Number 4, pp.  250-256

    Author(s): Dragović V., Gajić B.

    We constructed Hirota–Kimura type discretization of the classical nonholonomic Suslov problem of motion of rigid body fixed at a point. We found a first integral proving integrability. Also, we have shown that discrete trajectories asymptotically tend to a line of discrete analogies of so-called steady-state rotations. The last property completely corresponds to well-known property of the continuous Suslov case. The explicite formulae for solutions are given. In $n$-dimensional case we give discrete equations.
    Keywords: Hirota–Kimura type discretization, nonholonomic mechanics, Suslov problem, rigid body
    Citation: Dragović V., Gajić B., Hirota–Kimura Type Discretization of the Classical Nonholonomic Suslov Problem, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2008, Volume 13, Number 4, pp. 250-256

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