Certain Aspects of Regularity in Scalar Field Cosmological Dynamics

    2007, Volume 12, Number 4, pp.  357-364

    Author(s): Toporensky A. V., Tretyakov P. V.

    We consider dynamics of the FRW Universe with a scalar field. Using Maupertuis principle we find a curvature of geodesics flow and show that zones of positive curvature exist for all considered types of scalar field potential. Usually, phase space of systems with the positive curvature contains islands of regular motion. We find these islands numerically for shallow scalar field potentials. It is shown also that beyond the physical domain the islands of regularity exist for quadratic potentials as well.
    Keywords: islands of regular motion, scalar field cosmology
    Citation: Toporensky A. V., Tretyakov P. V., Certain Aspects of Regularity in Scalar Field Cosmological Dynamics, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2007, Volume 12, Number 4, pp. 357-364

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