Chaotic dynamics of three-dimensional Hénon maps that originate from a homoclinic bifurcation

    2006, Volume 11, Number 2, pp.  191-212

    Author(s): Gonchenko S. V., Meiss J. D., Ovsyannikov I. I.

    We study bifurcations of a three-dimensional diffeomorphism, $g_0$, that has a quadratic homoclinic tangency to a saddle-focus fixed point with multipliers $(\lambda e^{i\varphi}, \lambda e^{-i\varphi}, \gamma)$, where $0<\lambda<1<|\gamma|$ and $|\lambda^2 \gamma|=1$. We show that in a three-parameter family, $g_\varepsilon$, of diffeomorphisms close to $g_0$, there exist infinitely many open regions near $\varepsilon=0$ where the corresponding normal form of the first return map to a neighborhood of a homoclinic point is a three-dimensional Hénon-like map. This map possesses, in some parameter regions, a ''wild-hyperbolic'' Lorenz-type strange attractor. Thus, we show that this homoclinic bifurcation leads to a strange attractor. We also discuss the place that these three-dimensional Hénon maps occupy in the class of three-dimensional quadratic maps with constant Jacobian
    Keywords: saddle-focus fixed point, three-dimensional quadratic map, homoclinic bifurcation, strange attractor
    Citation: Gonchenko S. V., Meiss J. D., Ovsyannikov I. I., Chaotic dynamics of three-dimensional Hénon maps that originate from a homoclinic bifurcation , Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2006, Volume 11, Number 2, pp. 191-212

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