Regular Method for Searching of Differential Equations Discrete Symmetries

    2001, Volume 6, Number 3, pp.  327-336

    Author(s): Kistovich A. V., Chashechkin Y. D.

    A new constructive regular method to search discrete symmetries of a set of differential equations is proposed. The method is based on automorphism properties of a basic $1$-forms for initial and transformed equations. In difference with well-known methods of discrete symmetry searching the proposed method does not need in a priori knowledge and as sequence in a preliminary searching of infinitesimal symmetries for studied equations.
    Citation: Kistovich A. V., Chashechkin Y. D., Regular Method for Searching of Differential Equations Discrete Symmetries, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2001, Volume 6, Number 3, pp. 327-336

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