A Lie algebraic generalization of the Mumford system, its symmetries and its multi-hamiltonian structure
1998, Volume 3, Number 3, pp. 132-160
Author(s): Pedroni M., Vanhaecke P.
Author(s): Pedroni M., Vanhaecke P.
In this paper we generalize the Mumford system which describes for any fixed $g$ all linear flows on all hyperelliptic Jacobians of dimension $g$. The phase space of the Mumford system consists of triples of polynomials, subject to certain degree constraints, and is naturally seen as an affine subspace of the loop algebra of $\mathfrak{sl}(2)$. In our generalizations to an arbitrary simple Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$ the phase space consists of $\mathrm{dim}\,\mathfrak{g}$ polynomials, again subject to certain degree constraints. This phase space and its multi-Hamiltonian structure is obtained by a Poisson reduction along a subvariety $N$ of the loop algebra $\mathfrak{g}((\lambda-1))$ of $\mathfrak{g}$. Since $N$ is not a Poisson subvariety for the whole multi-Hamiltonian structure we prove an algebraic. Poisson reduction theorem for reduction along arbitrary subvarieties of an affine Poisson variety; this theorem is similar in spirit to the Marsden–Ratiu reduction theorem. We also give a different perspective on the multi-Hamiltonian structure of the Mumford system (and its generalizations) by introducing a master symmetry; this master symmetry can be described on the loop algebra $\mathfrak{g}((\lambda-1))$ as the derivative in the direction of $\lambda$ and is shown to survive the Poisson reduction. When acting (as a Lie derivative) on one of the Poisson structures of the system it produces a next one, similarly when acting on one of the Hamiltonians (in involution) or their (commuting) vector fields it produces a next one. In this way we arrive at several multi-Hamiltonian hierarchies, built up by a master symmetry.
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